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  3. Ailaysa Projects
  4. Creating a translation project – Files

Creating a translation project – Files

  1. Go to Ailaysa Projects → New Project.
  2. Select TranslateFiles.
  3. Enter a project name.
  4. Upload file(s). Learn more on Ailaysa-supported file formats.
  5. Select a source language and select one or more target language(s).
  6. Select a machine translation software.
  7. Click Create
  8. The project will be created and you will be redirected to My Projects. 
  9. Click on the project to view task(s).

Click Open on the task you want to post-edit in Ailaysa Transeditor.

You can post-edit the task by yourself or assign it to a team member or a hired freelance editor. You can always monitor the tasks you assign.

Updated on July 25, 2022

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