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  4. How to customise the generated content?

How to customise the generated content?

Based on the input details such as keywords, descriptions and so on, Ailaysa Writer generates copies customised to your requirements. However, as with any other AI based process, a human needs to review or edit to finish a copy to a professional grade.

Ailaysa Writer comes in-built with several customisation tools to revise and improve your text.

To perform a customisation on a text,

  1. Select a text and
  2. Click on a Customisation button (e.g. Shorten, Define, AI image) in the Customisation panel on the right side.
  3. Click Accept (Tick)

You can perform the following customizations / actions on a text in Ailaysa Writer:

  1. Shorten, rewrite, expand or simplify a text.
  2. Translate a text into any language.
  3. Check for grammar and get corrections (Only for English, for now)
  4. Get definitions, examples, explanations and more.
  5. Generate images
  6. Process a paragraph and convert into bullet points. And vice versa.
Updated on April 21, 2023

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