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Creating a project

Go to Ailaysa Projects-> Click New Project or Create new project

By default, you will be presented with a file-based project creation form. You can create a new project either by uploading files or directly typing text.

To create a project by uploading files: 

  1. In the left side menu bar, click Translate -> Files.
  2. Enter a project name.
  3. Upload files for translation.
  4. Select source language and target language(s).
  5. Select a machine translation software.
  6. Click Create

To create a project by typing or entering text:

  1. In the left side menu bar, click Translate -> Text.
  2. Enter a project name
  3. Type or paste text in the text box.
  4. Select a source language and a target language.
  5. Click Show Translations

You will be presented with samples of machine translations (MT) from Ailaysa-supported machine translation engines (MT samples will be shown only from MT engines that support the selected source and target language).

  1. Choose an MT engine based on the samples.
  2. Click on Open to edit to post-edit by yourself.  Or
  3. Click Find editors if you want to assign the task to a hired editor or your team member

If you do not have any hired editor, learn more on How to Hire a freelance editor

Updated on July 25, 2022

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