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Completing your Vendor profile

If you have not uploaded your CV during Ailaysa Marketplace Sign up, you can upload your CV for verification by following the steps below,

  1. Go to My Account -> Settings -> Editor settings
  2. Under the Primary Information section, provide details for mandatory fields and upload your CV
  3. Click Save

Your CV will be reviewed by Ailaysa. The status after review will be informed through email. If you receive an “Accepted” status, you will be listed with a “Verified” badge in Ailaysa Marketplace

Note: You will be listed in Ailaysa Marketplace if you have signed up as a vendor with Ailaysa Marketplace. Verifying your CV will only additionally provide a “Verified” badge to your profile to increase your credibility with potential customers.

How to enter service details and rates?

  1. Go to My Account -> Settings -> Editor settings
  2. Under the Services & Rates section, your primary language pair provided during Ailaysa Marketplace Sign-up will be prefilled.
  3. Click on the Ellipsis in the right corner and choose Edit. Your primary language pair and currency (based on your country) will be prefilled.
  4. Select unit type and enter rates for both MTPE and Human Translation services.
  5. Click Save
  6. Click on Create Language pair to add more services
Updated on July 22, 2022

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